Libreboot Setup

Building Libreboot and the rom for your ThinkPad

Install Dependencies

Before installing Libreboot, let's gather the necessary dependencies.

sudo apt install git python-is-python3

Enable Multi-threaded Build Mode

Libreboot’s build system uses a single thread by default, but you can change this to use multiple threads. For example, you can run:


This command will make Libreboot's build system use 4 threads, speeding up the build process.

Build Libreboot

Clone the Libreboot repository

git clone

Navigate to the libreboot directory

cd lbmk

Download the necessary dependencies. Depending on your distribution, choose the appropriate command:

sudo ./build dependencies arch
sudo ./build dependencies ubuntu
sudo ./build dependencies debian
sudo ./build dependencies fedora

Build Roms

You will need to set and before proceeding further; otherwise, you won't be able to proceed. If you prefer, you can simply fill them with random values.

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""

Generate the roms list

./build roms list

Take note of your laptop model and BIOS chip (e.g., x230_12mb or t430_12mb or t440plibremrc_12mb).

If your model has multiple chips, determine the size of your chip by running:

sudo dmidecode | grep ROM

Build your ROM (this process may take some time):

./build roms <your_laptop_model>

Once the ROM has been compiled, navigate to the directory:

cd lbmk/bin/<your_laptop_model>

You'll find a comprehensive list of BIOS options available for flashing into the BIOS chip. Ensure to select the one corresponding to the keyboard configuration of your device.

As example, select SEABIOS and copy it to a easily accessible location:

cp seabios_<your_laptop_model>_libgfxinit_corebootfb.rom /home/neo/libreboot

Last updated